Monday, October 6, 2008


Having discussed a bit about tha Anti-Virus softwares, I guess its time to switch over.. Im now going to elaborate about the Foxit reader.


Many wonder what is this Foxit Reader? Its a pdf document viewer. But it carries many more feautures than what Adobe Reader does..

Yes.. Thats true.Off late a new version of FOxit has been released and been named Fooxit 2.3..

Lets see now what are the catching features in Foxit 2.3.

    *Media player support
    *Multi tab browsing
    *Comment box
    *Converting to PDF

Lets see each of these a bit more.

    1. Bookmarking allows to Bookmark any PDF file provided the security of that file allows us to in the same way you Bookmark your favourite Web-site.

    2. Media Format support is what attrcted me in Foxit! Yes it can support a no. of Media formats including Audio and video.

    3. Multi Tab browsing can be done and more than one file can be accessed at any time.

    4. Auto scroll allows the user to run through the document without his interface.

    5. Comment box lets us leave comment for further reference in every document.This feature makes it more user-friendly. You can leave comments whereever you want for future reference

    6. Converting to PDF is another catching tool in Foxit.! We have to install a add-on for it though.!

This sums it up guys.. If u lik this and wanna use this u can get it from

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