Sunday, October 5, 2008

Anti - Virus softwares



Since this is my first post in this blog,

I'd love to start it with Anti-virus softwares.
Anti-virus are nothing but a doctor for your PC, but it prevents diseases rather than giving medicine. Well it also gives medicines, but its prime function is to prevent.

I've tried quiet a lot of softwares..

Starting from Norton to Mcafee...

But I've learnt a lot wen I started using those..

First let's see how a anti-virus program work.!

An anti virus is a collection of Information about the various viruses present around the globe and how it works!

An anti virus can sense a virus and it can easily distinguish it from other genuine softwares which dont contain any mallicious programs.

When right click on a file or folder an give a scan,

An anti-virus program literally runs the selected obect in background safely without affecting your system.

And compares it with its Data-base of viruses and its performance.

If it finds that both are matching in some means it alerts the user to take the necessary action..

But the anti-virus data base differs from one anti-virus program to other.

All Anti-virus provides free updates of this virus data-base to keep their users safe.!

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